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Why You Need Blue Light Blocking Glasses

In today's age, we are constantly staring at a computer screen for long hours each day! If we're not on the computer, we are scrolling on our phones, watching shows on TV and on the ipad...Screens everywhere!

My friends have tried to convince me to get the blue light blocking glasses but I didn't really think I needed them until I started getting headaches quite often from being on the computer at work. I didn't realize that blue light blocking glasses help minimize eye strain, reduce digital headaches and gives you better nights of sleep.

After much research, I decided to give them a try! I mean why not right? The great thing about them is that they were cheaper than what I expected. I purchased mine on Firmoo as they have affordable options and a variety of styles. What really hit for me is that the research I've done and the podcasts I've listened to have really delved into the harmful effects of blue light whether it's on screens or environmental lighting from our own homes.

What is blue light exactly? "Blue light is uniquely disruptive to sleep and circadian rhythms". This is why I do my best to not use my phone before bed! It's not that blue light is bad for you, but it's the fact that we have so much exposure to it. Since I've had my blue light blocking glasses, I'm able to increase my hours of sleep and sleep quality, and reduce eye strains from working on the computer.

If you use blue light blocking glasses, I'd love to know how it's working for you!!


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